We Would Love To Brag About You And Your Results through
From Growly Dog to Confident Dog!
****** Plus reward you for your efforts with a friendly contest! ******
Team Brilliant Family Dog is prepping for our next big Growly Workshop and we need your help! We are looking for great transformation stories to feature in our promos, ads and live videos!
I know many of you have had personal breakthroughs and spectacular results, bringing change and peace into your life, and a renewed affection for your much-loved dog. And I know the warm welcome you give newcomers to the group forum.
I just love reading all your stories in the group, in your emails to me, and in the comments under the lessons.
I would love it if you could put some of your feelings and achievements into words so that others who are struggling - with little hope - can see how this can help them.
You can choose whether to video yourself on your phone (do include some clips of your dog!) or you may prefer to write (and send a photo or two of your dog). Either way, keep it chatty and conversational - not like an answer in an exam paper. If you’re videoing yourself, be sure to hold the phone sideways (landscape) and look at the camera hole, not your lovely face!
Video is really quick and easy to do. I’m not looking for professionalism - just passion! And I’ll tell you below how to upload your video after you’ve made it.
I’ll be pulling a few soundbites from each video, so a few seconds may be enough!
What’s the prize?????
There’ll be two prizes - one for the most compelling video, and one for the most moving written piece.
and the prize will be ( ….. drum-roll!! ….. )
a half-hour 1-1 coaching session with Beverley!
These sessions usually cost anything upwards of $100 / £75 so take full advantage of this opportunity!
Box clever here - you may think only a few people will make a video, so that’s the one you’ll choose - to be in with the best chance of winning the prize!
PRIZES! Here’s your computer, on your desk, with me talking to you about YOUR dog!
Please keep your video testimonials to no more than 2 minutes max! No exceptions - longer videos will not be reviewed. The deadline to submit is Monday 11th March. So get going - quick!
I have a few pointers and topic ideas on how to create a great testimonial. You of course do NOT need to cover all these. Choose ONE or TWO most compelling parts of your transformation story!
What we are looking for is your transformation STORY of how From Growly Dog to Confident Dog has helped you!
Think back to where you were when you started the course, overall confidence level in managing your dog, comfort level out and about with her, the direction (or lack of direction) you had then - and where you are today!
How did you feel about walking your dog before Brilliant Family Dog and how do you feel about it now?
Imagine you are talking to a friend who is struggling with their difficult dog. What would you tell them about your personal transformation as a result of the Growly Dog program?
Keep it super conversational and natural and most importantly, speak from the heart! Emotion is a great thing! Don't hold back!
Start with a quick intro with your name and a brief mention of your dog’s issues and how this was affecting you, your family, your life.
Be specific! Your dog may still have outbursts, but how much less frequently than before? You may still have to manage your dog when visitors come, but now you have strategies that work! The more specific you can get the better.
What specific changes have you seen in your life? Are you able to holiday with your dog now? Is your family more relaxed and happy with your dog? Do you enjoy your dog more? Does going out for the day no longer have to be planned like a military exercise? What has the course done for your confidence?
What clarity do you now have about the way forward?
How has the private Facebook community enhanced your experience with the online course?
What do you think of the Brilliant Family Dog creator and your coach, Beverley Courtney? Her teaching/coaching style? Her approachability, her supportiveness?
The best way to do this is to speak naturally, in your own words, from the heart. Those who need more guidance may like this example (just put into your own words anything that resonates with you)
Watch out for funny shadows in your photos and video!
Hi, I'm Jemima Puddleduck and I live in Toronto, Canada, with my much-loved Springer Spaniel Lizzie, and if you’re wondering if the Growly Dog program is really going to help you and *your* dog, I want to share my experience.
Before I began the course I struggled with loving my dog, who seemed determined to make my life difficult! She’s always been a delight in the house, but as soon as we set foot on the street it all went crazy. I dreaded taking her for walks.
When I went through Beverley’s free training at Brilliant Family Dog, I knew that everything she said just made sense. I got such value from just the free Workshop, so I realised that the full course was something I just had to look at!
I knew this course was what I needed, but I’ve wasted a lot of time and money trying to follow conflicting advice and nothing ever worked because it didn’t seem to fit my dog. If I’m being honest, I didn’t know if I would actually do the work. But something told me this was the right program for me, and doing nothing wasn’t changing anything!
Once I got into the program, Module 1 hit me like a ton of bricks. The understanding and discovery Beverley gives you as an ordinary dog-owner brings so much clarity. I finally knew EXACTLY what I needed to be working on - instead of being a chore, walking my dog became an adventure which we both enjoyed!
I was amazed at what membership of the private Facebook group added to the experience! The quality of people this program attracts, and their willingness to help, is unbelievable. I’ve made friends who I know are always there for me.
And now that I've implemented the Brilliant Family Dog philosophy into my life with my dog, my confidence has massively grown! I take my dog on holiday, to cafes, on walks with friends - I can even have visitors to the house now that I know how my dog is feeling and what to do to help her.
So, to any dog-owner who’s struggling with a difficult or challenging dog who shames you with their outbursts and unpredictable behaviour, I encourage you not to lose any more time - just get enrolled now! The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll find what I found - a transformation in my dog and in me.
If you don’t already have Dropbox, download the free app to your phone. It’ll stay free unless you ever decide to upload masses of stuff for business. You can always uninstall it if you like.
Once you’ve made your video, upload it following this guide:
Be sure to change the gibberish title to YOUR NAME.
Create folder Brilliant Family Dog
Once you can see your video in Dropbox, click on the three dots, SHARE, Create a Link, COPY THE LINK or email it to yourself
Then email me at beverley@brilliantfamilydog.com, subject: Testimonial, and paste your link in the body. SEND! Done!
Still stuck? email support@brilliantfamilydog.com and we’ll take you through it.
If you know how to edit video on your phone you can. If you don’t - don’t worry about bloopers and outtakes! The clips from your video will be edited by the team and will look like new. Just speak from the heart.
Send me an email at beverley@brilliantfamilydog.com, subject: Testimonial, and paste your piece in the body. Attach a photo or two of your dog and SEND! Done!