You've learned EVERYTHING about dogs … so why isn't it working?

Our dog’s mental state affects our own

Dog and crawling baby ALERT!

New Dog Resolutions

Why are you assaulting your dog (as he sees it)? 4 ways to get those paws clean and dry!

Will I Love My Dog More Than I’ll Love My Kids?

4 ways to find the right dog class

Was your first dog your bestest dog ever?

Learn while you get on with your life! ++ special offer ++

How can I ever become a dog trainer?

Do you command your dog, or ask him?

What’s your favourite dog walk?

Want a quick fix for your dog?

5 Dog Breed Myths

Dog Tricks! Fun for all of us

Paw Licking

Do you walk with your dog or behind him? Learn how to make a lasting change!

Struggling to housetrain your puppy?

Why is my dog growling at me?

Doggy expectations!

Would you love to work with dogs?

Children and pandemic puppies

Summer Grooming for your dog!

Dog feeding frenzy!

My dog is stubborn!

Harness your dog's imagination!

I can’t leave any food anywhere - my dog will steal it!

Why is my dog biting me?

Is it my dog? Or is it me?

You and your dog are good enough

Leave your dog's past behind


Dog-Walk away your woes!

Puppy Crate training demystified

Dogs emerging from Lockdown!

Appreciate your dog!


The Evolution of the Dog

The right dog bed for your dog, and you!

Do You Dream Of Your Dog Flying Back To You Every Single Time You Call? Start Here!

Where did Brilliant Family Dog begin?

Pawprints in the snow

Pandemic Puppy home alone


Babies and puppies - how to start

Dog Body Language - what’s that?


Fights in a multi-dog household

Got a Pandemic Puppy?

The past is ancient history

The frustration of the growly dog owner: It’s not other folk’s fault that they don’t

Dogs and cats - why not have both?

Do-based training for you and your dog

The Old Dog: 5 secrets for keeping him young

Consistency vs unpredictability in dog training


Dogs are creatures of habit - so are we!

What can my dog chew?

Your dog may be your greatest teacher!

All your eggs in one (dog) basket

The only constant is change

Is Don’t-based Training Still Prevailing with Dogs as well as Children?

Labelling your dog and yourself

New Puppies Everywhere!

My dog is a **@%*$ and so am I

Dogs love the familiar

The winding path - for our dogs and for us!

Your dog and hot weather

What can our dogs teach us about life?

Dog Separation Anxiety after Lockdown?

How can I stop my dog’s aggression?

My dog is afraid of the car

Celebrate your Dog while you still have her

Rearing a puppy to be confident

How our Growly Dogs are thriving in Lockdown!

Puppies will be puppies!

There’s never been a better time to train your dog!

Puppy Socialisation in Lockdown

See how calm your dog is?

One dog is such fun: now I want two!

My dog gets to enjoy the coffee shop too!

We don’t need to CONTROL our dogs

Is life good for you and your dog?

Look how much these dog-owners’ lives improved!

I’m right, so my dog is wrong

A Workshop full of dogs and puppies!

“My dog doesn’t listen to me!”

Your dog and Christmas visitors

Do you need information for your dog - or guidance?

I love my dog AND I love my sleep!

Procrastination is the thief of your dog’s time

5 Reasons You Should Never Tie Your Dog Outside a Shop

Is it your fault you have a reactive dog?

Finding a trainer for your Growly Dog

Don’t be bamboozled by a dog trainer!

The magical connection of your hand-touch

Why You Should Always Give Your Dog a Choice

Results from the Growly Workshop

Growly Workshop! Enrol now!

What is your biggest problem with your dog?

The Daily Dog Walk… Really? Do I Have To?

If only I could find people who understood

My Growly Dog can’t change

Why can’t I take my dog to the fair?

How Lacy helps other dogs

Are two puppies better than one?

My dog knows he's done wrong

My dog doesn’t need a muzzle

Well that was a great week of dog training!

The Brilliant Family Dog Workshop’s nearly here!

How to make your puppy brilliant!

How Lois perfected her lead-walking, fast

It’s ok to punish a dog to get what we want

Shouldn’t my dog come when I call him?

FETCH IT! teach your dog to retrieve anything

Your dog wasn’t born knowing this! You have to teach her

Are you thinking of neutering your dog?

My dog has taken over my bed - how can I change this?

Getting a new puppy?

How can I connect with my dog’s mind?

Should we treat our dogs as people?

New Puppy!

Why should I pay for training my dog?

Helping your young dog understand our world

Puppy gear - what do you really need?

My puppy Coco was on the sick list

My dog won’t take no for an answer

ZZZs are worth £££s and $$$s

Hooray! Shock collars banned in UK!

Should my dog wear a muzzle?

Do you make this mistake with your dog?

12 Ways Your Dog Can Make You New Friends

Lost your car keys? Get your dog to find them for you!

Dog trainers and parents know the value of a playpen

Want to Know the Secret to Mobilising your Happy Hormone? (This may surprise you)

Make life easy for you and your dog!

Where are my spoons? Why your dog runs out of calmness

How training your dog can help you train people

How to stop your dog damaging her stitches

How Can Your Family Dog Teach Your Children Empathy?

I wish I could take my excitable dog on family outings!

I'm too busy to train my dog

Dogs in cars: what's the safest way to travel?

How does your reactive dog impact the rest of your doggy family?

My dog wants to be everyone's friend! 5 Ways to make walks easier

Yes, There can be good stuff on tv about dogs!

The tone of your voice can make or break your dog’s recall!

When you change, your dog will change too

Should I get an older puppy?

Your puppy’s first day home!

Yes, you and your dog can now watch animals on tv!

So you want to rescue a dog? Read this first!

The Weekly Once Over can save you a lot of vet’s bills

Remove the friction and both dog and owner are happier

Little things DO matter - for your dog everything matters

Is raw feeding safe for my dog? Let’s get to the Bare Bones

Digging, Chewing, Chasing, Barking: Instinctive Drives you Love or Hate?

Love the dog - hate the name!

A roundup of the Old Year - and your plans for the New Year

Beware the deadly mince pie! Christmas hazards for dogs

“I know he's only a puppy, but …” What you expect is what you get!

How can I stop my dog doing stuff I don't like?

Can I really train my dog by giving him a choice?

Five Ways to teach your dog that coming to you is the best thing ever!

My dog’s NOT afraid of fireworks! But why?

Our family’s always had dogs, why is this one so difficult?

Three words to your dog that reveal the wrong attitude

Teach your dog to fetch, retrieve, find, and bring things back

Are retractable leads safe or useful? 11 reasons why you don’t want to use one

The Joy of Autumn Walks

Is walking your dog a pure joy? 8 steps to a loose lead

Is my dog protecting me?

Are you a Firefighter or a Planner?

How to speed up your dog training - 6 tips for making your sessions fun and fruitful

Everything in the garden is not rosy

What you expect is what you get - or, Be careful what you wish for!

Why is my friend's dog so easy when mine is so difficult? 7 tips to make life easier!

New Puppy? First teach her how to learn!

Hands up who’s never shouted at their dog!

Is walking two dogs the same as walking one dog?

I'm not spending good money on a DOG!

Trust your dog, don’t control him!

Two dogs - twice as nice or twice the trouble?

Dogs don’t operate through “Pack Theory” .. and the earth isn’t flat either

I have a reactive dog - can I get a new puppy too?

Were You Always Good at Something? I Was Always Good With Dogs

How precious is your dog’s name?

But I have to keep my dog on a short lead, or else … [insert disaster here

How Can You Be So Kind to People and So Unkind to Your Dog?

Social Butterflies versus Wallflowers - over-friendly dogs vs. shy dogs

Why did you get a dog?

How to teach your dog to catch!

Zip it! And get a fast response from your dog

10 Ways to Stop puppy biting

If your dog is bald you can skip this one

Is my dog a reflection of me?

“He Understands Everything I Say!” 6 Pointers to Better Communication

How to choose a dog to suit your lifestyle

I have a new puppy: will I ever get any sleep again?

“Designer Dogs”: what are they really made of?

5 Surefire Tips to Get Your Dog to Jump Up on People

Puppy dogs' tails tell their own story

10 Tips for creating a great vet visit for your dog

Strolling down the avenue, arm in arm

Summer dog hazards

Less control but more understanding saved this rescue dog

The thorny subject of daycare and dog walkers

Give your dog an instant safe haven on walks

Choosing a Puppy, Part 3

Choosing a Puppy, Part 2

Choosing a Puppy, Part 1

Are you paying your dog MORE for what you don’t want him to do?

How can I stop my dog jumping up?

Errorless Housetraining and Crate Training