Do the ends justify the means for your dog?

My post Double standards for dog owners? last week provoked a lot of comment, on social media, some here, and in my inbox. Not surprising for a topic that polarises people.

But the apologists - who were vociferous in their sneering - seemed to overlook one principle. After saying all the nonsense about how these nasty gadgets don’t hurt ⚡️ 😵‍💫 they reckoned that the result justified whatever they did to get it.

The outcome from the use of punishment and punitive equipment is normally a shut-down dog - exhibiting the learned helplessness I referenced last week. Or it can result in far worse and unpredictable behaviour, when the dog’s tolerance is at an end, and the dog is destroyed.

Apart from the fact that both of these are horrible outcomes to inflict on any living creature, they are overlooking the fact that “the end justifies the means” is the cry that has been used by extremists of all kinds, down the centuries, to excuse oppression, torture, and wholesale slaughter.

It is not acceptable.

We, as civilised people, have moved forward in so many ways. Children are no longer beaten, women are not stoned to death, slavery is forbidden, corporal punishment in prisons and the services is no longer permitted.

And yet there are still plenty of people around who think it’s JUST FINE to do these things to animals.

It was no surprise to me to look at the social page of one of those who told me it was all perfect and hunky-dory, and see that they espouse extreme right-wing political views, especially on race and gun use.

It all fits.

Don’t put up with this!

If you believe we should treat animals as kindly as we would like to be treated ourselves, stand up and be counted!

The nonsensical claims from “The Dark Side” need to be countered. Commonsense needs to win the day.