New Dog Resolutions

Here at Brilliant Family Dog we don’t do New Year’s Resolutions.

Why not?

Because resolutions are woolly wishes.

They’re pie in the sky.

They’re “Wouldn’t it be nice if …” sort of things, and not worth wasting your time on.

It’s wishing. And hoping the Wish Fairy turns up and waves her wand. Not goin’ to happen!

You may remember in the past making resolutions at the New Year that didn’t make it past Epiphany. That’s no use!


So how do we plan our future?

What we do instead is conjure up Visions.

Visions for what we want our life to actually feature.

We think of what we’d LIKE to have, fix that in our mind, and go get it! It’s pretty simple really - and … it works!

Thinking “I’d like to lose weight” is not going to get any of us anywhere!

Visualising instead, you in a summer outfit in August, feeling comfortable and free to move, then keeping that image firmly in the front of your mind, means that you have a very high likelihood of attaining it!

What happens is that you become the person in your mental image. In this case it’s clearly a person who doesn’t slouch on the sofa stuffing doughnuts!

Rather you have an image of a healthy, active person, doing what they’d like and enjoying life. This is a person who considers what they eat, how they treat their body, and how they look.

And this will govern your choices between now and August.


And for dogs??

What, you may ask, has this to do with me and my dog?

Good question!

Instead of thinking, “I have to stop my dog doing xyz”, visualise instead that image of you and your dog enjoying time together, in perfect harmony.

Instead of thinking, “My dog is difficult, he barks at everyone”, get your imagination going! See yourself and your dog outdoors - at the beach, in the forest - peaceful and calm, ignoring other dogs entirely.

BECOME the person who is at one with their dog.

BECOME the dog-owner who understands their dog

BECOME the sort of person who can look ahead and avoid situations which could be too challenging at this stage.

By doing this, you will find yourself taking the necessary steps to become this person. You’ll be on the look-out for the help and guidance you need to get there.

And a great start would be by watching our free Workshop on getting your dog to LISTEN! And joining hundreds of happy students achieving the life they always wanted with their dog.

“I started training with you 4 days ago, and Alfie is loving the recall!” AB

This from someone who DECIDED what she wanted with her dog, and became the person who went for it! And here’s another student enjoying working with her new puppy:

“I joined this group a week ago and already have learnt so much that I am putting into practice. We have always had dogs but now understand where I have been going wrong all these years. I can’t wait to start Week 2!”

See you there soon …


Do you want this kind of life with your dog?

Watch our free Workshop here

and get your first lessons in Choice Training - on me!