Dogs can improve gradually

Slow change works well for dogs

Change can come so slowly.

Too slowly for us rushers! We’re always in such a hurry to be in a hurry.

WHY? … But that’s for another day!

We try something once, then say “That doesn’t work!”

And sometimes things don’t seem to change at all. We seem to have been labouring over the same problems - for ever!

But if you look back - honestly look back - you’ll see there has been change.

“The only constant is change” As Heraclitus said, so long ago.  “Everything changes and nothing remains still; you cannot step twice into the same stream.”

Nothing stays the same - it’s always getting better or worse.


This is where we have to take a dispassionate view.

Recordkeeping can be very helpful here. It’s undoubtedly useful, but few people stick to it. It doesn’t suit many people - too much navel-gazing!

But look what people who only see your dog occasionally say!

Perhaps they got all four paws in the stomach last time you met, and now your dog is sitting quietly.

They are impressed, and will tell you so.

Perhaps your dog was on full alert when you met last time, and is now able to mooch about and sniff.

So people feel more relaxed round you, and will let you know by stopping to chat.

Or maybe it was a full-on barking and lunging meltdown they witnessed, and now you have the sense to recognise trigger points and manage the situation so much better - so that your dog can pass this hornèd monster without reacting.

They smile and acknowledge you from a safe distance.



I remember a lady I didn’t know passing me on the road one day, years ago, with my then challenging puppy who wanted to get everywhere at the speed of light.

“I’ve been watching you,” she said. “You’re doing so well!”

Wasn’t I pleased! And I’d had no idea of her existence while she watched me every day from her kitchen window.

People aren’t all judging us - as we may feel when our dog is acting up.

Most are actually sympathetic.

After all, who’s brought up children without a public tantrum in the supermarket?

Who’s not had to apologise to a neighbour for their small boy’s - shall we say “over-exuberance”? 😳

Who shall cast the first stone?


We’re all in the same boat


You are doing the best you can.

Your dog is doing the best she can.

Your neighbours are doing the best they can.

It’s all just fine.

And really?

So much better than it was a year ago …

If your dog is of the Growly variety - barking, lunging, terrifying the neighbourhood and making you blush! - take a look at the Growly Dog books you’ll find here:

You really can make a big difference!