How patient are you with your dog? — Brilliant Family Dog

How patient are you with your dog?

I’m delighted to see the successes that students get as they work steadily through the Brilliant Family Dog Academy.

Their appreciation of how this has changed so much for them shines through their comments:

Here’s what KW had to say on the transformation of her dog’s recall: 

“Wow, just WOW!! The smile on her face as she flew towards me said it all.”

And here’s another heartfelt comment:

“A big thank you to Beverley and team. My dog has come a long way - he now plays and socialises and is lovely on the lead. He loves the focus games and his big sister is certainly enjoying life - and we have a lovely family dog!” LS

 And what about this one?

“My puppy and I continue to love the program. He is coming along in leaps and bounds. We seem to be building a lovely bond and I just love the way he continually looks at me to see what fun thing we are going to do next. This programme is great. We wouldn’t be in such a great place without it. Thank you.” SL


You’ll notice that all these comments are about the huge change in the relationship between owner and dog - the improved behaviour just rolls along with it!

So you can see why I’m so sad when I get occasional remarks from students saying that after a week their dog is unchanged and they don’t think it’s working. 


Your dog didn’t become as he is overnight!

And you won’t change everything about him overnight!

Actually, plenty of students do find they get results very fast … but those are the ones who apply themselves and knuckle down to do the work! Hmmm - wonder if there’s a correlation there …?


Magic Wands?

Nobody has a magic wand.

Though Lacy is doing her best here!

And you need TIME and PATIENCE to get the results you want with your dog.

Just as you do with anything else!

You wouldn’t enrol on a foreign language course and expect to be speaking Chinese or whatever within the week.

So whyever would anyone think that they can undo years (or just weeks) of poor training or bad experiences within a few days.

I’ve actually had people say after ONE DAY that their dog hasn’t changed yet!

It is a fact that your dog’s behaviour is a direct reflection of the training you’ve given him.

They don’t come out of the box ready-trained.

You get Dog 1.0. The upgrades you have to apply yourself!

And I and my professional trainer team just love guiding you in this!

Here’s what VW had to say about the individual coaching she got in the program:

“Wow, thank you so much for your lovely words! I was feeling so low the other day, not just about my lack of progress with my dog and then I posted and you and the other trainers were so wonderful and supportive and encouraging, it made a HUGE difference to me and how I felt generally as well as our training. I cannot thank you enough for that alone.

Thank you for helping me to be the best for my dogs, and for your really kind words.

I am on week 5 of this training and it is brilliant, truly helpful and working so well.”

Why not give us a whirl?

We’ll give you all the lessons and the support - but you have to bring your dog and your patience yourself!

See you there!