We’re all pretty fluent in human body language. We know when someone’s giving us the cold shoulder, looking quizzically, folding their arms to form a barrier showing resistance to what we’re saying. It’s all part of our rich communication skills.
But what if we had no speech? What if this were the only way we could communicate?
That’s where dogs find themselves!
Your puppy arrives with you, a few weeks old, with little idea what these great lumbering creatures of another species are doing with him.
He has no idea how to communicate!
So he’ll try barking; flattening himself on the floor; running away; jumping up; trying to play inappropriately (e.g. with your trouserlegs). Eventually, if all he gets is shouting or punishment*** in response, he’ll resort to snarling. This means he’s frightened of you! He may feel he needs to get in first with a snap in order to stop you doing whatever it is you’re doing.
*** By “punishment” I’m not suggesting you’re beating your dog with a stick! Punishment means anything that is unpleasant - so it could be ignoring, yelling, confiscation, banishment, pushing or pulling ..
Sometimes, the puppy has found this is the only way to get attention from you.
This is a sad state of affairs, and one which many new puppy-owners find themselves in. They mistakenly think they need to discipline their puppy.
Do you discipline a newborn baby? Of course you don’t! You lavish her with love and affection, studying her all the time to find out her needs and wishes.
Disciplining a puppy is confrontational. That is not what you want with anyone you’re trying to build a relationship with.
So this is where the sensitive owner needs to step in and make it clear what communication works and what doesn’t.
Get the basics down first
The first thing to do is establish some basics:
A proper housetraining program is in operation. Get your free Cheatsheet for Errorless Housetraining here
Your puppy is getting all the sleep he needs, in a dedicated place where he cannot be disturbed.
YOU are getting all the sleep YOU need!
Your puppy is getting high-quality food in sufficient quantity at the right amount for his age
It always amazes me how many new dog-owners have no idea about these points. But if they aren’t met, you have little hope with the next part!
Sensitivity and understanding
Now you need to watch your dog like a scientist would.
🐾 What is he doing when?
🐾 Why is he doing it?
Take your personal feelings right out of the equation. This is not about you! It’s about a tiny creature of another species, who has found himself in a strange new world with people who don’t seem to understand him.
So if he does something you don’t like, don’t take it personally! Ask yourself what the reason may be for this.
A. Is he overtired? (HINT: this is normally the first reason for puppy “misbehaviour”, just as it is for toddlers.)
B. Is he hungry?
C. Is he bored?
D. Is this the fastest way for him to get your attention?
E. Are you telling him off for breaking some rule he does not know exists?
Start learning exactly what is going on, how your puppy is acting just before he does the thing you don’t want, then look for a way to change this without punishment, force, intimidation, or shouting.
Just as with that toddler, usually all that’s needed is to attend to one of the basics listed above. Once all those boxes are ticked, you can move on to distracting him with something interesting (movement, food, toy, outside) and teaching him how to play the way you’d like it - with toys and not your hands.
So what’s with the Dog Body Language?
To help you understand exactly what you are seeing - as you watch your puppy as a scientist would - have a look at this video which gives you a quick guide to how dogs express themselves.
So often people misunderstand what their dog is saying! They anthropomorphise their actions, ascribing motives where there are none.
Honestly, dogs just want a comfy billet and a quiet life. Is that what your new dog is getting with you?
This post was first published on positively.com and is reprinted here with permission.
Here is the third excerpt from my book - Building Confidence in your Growly but Brilliant Family Dog - which points out an area which will be affecting your dog much more than you may imagine. You may want to read the first and second parts of this series first: Can My Dog Be Stressed? - Part 1 and Can My Dog Be Stressed? Part 2
While you’re doing your best to improve the situation and you take a look at what may be making things worse, you cannot overlook stress.
Stress causes reactions to be exaggerated
Stress causes us to snap
Stress wears us out
And here’s another area of your dog’s life that could be building stress that may surprise you.
3. Daycare or a dogwalker
A very perceptive reader sent me this query recently: “My question is, what do you think of daycare for dogs? Are the dogs actually happy about it, or do dog owners just like to imagine they are?”
Some dogs love daycare. And some people love holiday camps with group activities. I have to say that’s not my kind of holiday, and I would find it very hard to cope and not one bit enjoyable.
I am not going to tar all daycares and dogwalkers with the same brush. There are some excellent ones, with dedicated and knowledgeable owners and good staff education programs. But I will say that you'll have to do extensive research to find a convenient, local one that is truly a safe place for your anxious dog to learn and develop.
Management skills
Think of the skills you need as a parent to prevent open warfare in your own household! Then picture a gang of dogs being thrown together for a walk - or all day in a confined area - in the care of people who may have no dog training or behaviour qualifications whatever. “I love dogs” may help, but it’s not a qualification. And given how long it takes us to learn how to care for our own species - and that a lot of what people think about dogs is wrong - you’re going to be lucky to find somewhere safe for your dog.
I was recently shown a promotional video for a daycare by someone who’s been sending her very reactive German Shepherd pup there for months. Even in this 30-second video - meant to show how wonderful the place was - I could see bullying and intimidation of this pup by other dogs, and no one going to her aid. Imagine what this sensitive puppy is subjected to for ten hours a day, five days a week! No wonder her reactivity is already extreme at only six months of age. What the owner thought as “being perfectly happy at daycare” was in fact a dog that spent all day trying to avoid the other dogs (quite impossible with those numbers of loose dogs) - shut down, in other words. Not fine at all.
For many dogs, daycare is viewed with the same suspicion I view that holiday camp!
If you have a good and responsible dogwalker, you are indeed fortunate! A dogwalker arrived at my regular walking spot recently. She opened her van doors and out flew five or six dogs. One planted his feet on my chest while the others hurtled around the roadside car park alarming other dogs before heading off on their walk. After 20 minutes she returned and drove away again. Would you be happy paying good money for that level of care every day?
My personal solution to an enforced absence from home is to have someone I trust to come in to let the dogs out in the garden and play with them for a while during the day. A “walk” is not needed.
If anything goes wrong in a daycare or with a dogwalker, you will be paying for that for years - possibly the rest of your dog’s life. You can spend time observing at a potential daycare. If they don’t like you quietly watching - move on. Think hard, and do a lot of homework, before handing your dog over.
Regardless of where you live, there will be fantastic, dedicated dogwalkers and daycare facilities that truly put the needs of the dogs in their care above all else. So seek out those above-and-beyond caretakers, and you and your dog will certainly reap the rewards!
Here are excerpt 1 and excerpt 2
Did you find this excerpt interesting? Here's what Book 3 looks like!
Or you can choose to get all three books at once, in paperback or ebook.
For a free e-course to help remove the stress from your life, and your dog’s life go to www.brilliantfamilydog.com/growly
And to get started straight away with lessons to help your Growly Dog, watch our free Masterclass for Growly Dogs
Fights in a multi-dog household
You enjoy having one dog so much, that you decided to get two.
And that’s where your troubles may have begun.
Carefully introduced, the dogs will get on famously and become firm friends.
In the image above, Lacy is chewing a bone while Cricket enjoys her body-heat. Both dogs content.
But sometimes things go wrong, and you find that either
🐾 the older dog resents the newcomer
🐾 the newcomer rocks the boat and starts bossing the old guy around.
Either way, it was your choice to get a second dog, not the present incumbent’s choice. So you have to make sure to disrupt the dogs’ lives as little as possible while they learn that neither of them has anything to fear, and that they can trust you.
Have a look at this post which gives you guidelines to follow. Do follow them rigidly! Don’t rush ahead, or cut corners. This system works, whether your first dog is reactive or not, and whether you’re introducing a puppy or an adult dog into the mix.
Resource Guarding
Often, fights are a form of resource guarding. One dog has something and doesn’t want to share it, or lose it. This could be a sleeping place, a food bowl, or you and your attention.
So it’s essential to show your worried dog that he has nothing to fear over losing valued resources. Teaching turn-taking is an important part of the smooth running of a multi-dog household, and the easiest way to teach this is
Teach Impulse Control around food
Line the dogs up and say “Name, here,” as you hand a treat to one, and “Other name, here you go,” as you feed the other. Do this randomly, at odd times, and in a different order, and reward their patience warmly.
Along with spending a lot of time with each dog individually, and using a force-free training program to build an unbreakable bond with each dog, you can remove daily friction from their lives so that these tiffs become a thing of the past.
Here’s where you can start to develop a new way of interacting with your dogs!
Odd dog
If one dog is ill or injured, the change in appearance or smell could upset the status quo. Similarly if one of them is undergoing a lot of hormonal change, this can stir things up. Before you do anything about this possibility, check out this post. (The changes are not what you may think!)
If you’ve got fights going on already, you need to act immediately to change your systems. What may appear simply a spat can result in horrible (and expensive) physical damage, not to mention poisoning the atmosphere afterwards.
So turn your home into a village. Baby gates, crates, and playpens are your friends! It’s important to give each dog space to relax without fear. If the dogs are on edge all the time, this is no fun for anyone. Operate an airlock system if necessary, to move dogs around.
This is a lot easier than it sounds, but you have to make sure the whole family is on board with the new plan.
I never want to take the chance of coming home and finding bits of dog splattered about the place - just because someone knocked on the door at the same time as a gunshot sounded, or a dog barked. So my dogs each have their own place where they are secluded and safe. When I arrive home I am greeted by happy, cool, snoozy dogs. Once you establish a system it’s very easy to do, and the dogs are all happy.
Serious fights
If you’re suffering from fights that cause serious damage - especially if both are bitches, and/or terriers - then you may have no option but to rehome the new dog. I’d see this as a last resort. But if the quality of life for the household is suffering, and you have tried everything above without success, you may have to accept that this is the best course of action.
And before you consider another new dog, study the article linked at the top of this post, on how to introduce your dogs successfully!
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Got a Pandemic Puppy?
There are loads of new dog-owners this unusual year. Being stuck at home means they at last are able to get a pet. So loads more people are discovering the joy of having a canine companion. Hooray!
But the flip side of this is that there are loads of people who were unprepared for dog-ownership, who perhaps purchased their dog on a whim, and are now finding out that it’s not quite as easy as they thought!
Not only that, but I’m afraid the nasties have crawled out of the woodwork to capitalise on people’s needs, and there has been a booming trade in puppy farmed dogs (aka puppy mills in the US). Not only have the poor bitches been worked even more relentlessly than usual so their selfish owners can cash in, but the prices have gone through the roof!
People are paying thousands of pounds for a crossbreed from a puppy farm, with no health checks, no parental pedigree, reared in a bare shed. Often they’re told the puppy is eight weeks old when it’s actually anything between five and twenty weeks or more.
These folk have no idea that dog-breeding can be such a dangerous place to wander into without research.
The real breeders, of course - those who work tirelessly to improve their breed, spend a fortune on genetic testing, and are ultra-fussy about who they hand their puppies over to - are still charging normal prices.
Add to this that because puppies are such a valuable commodity at the moment that many people are getting older dogs - thinking they’ll be easier to manage! And many more are buying imported dogs from Eastern Europe. They think they are doing a good thing by “rescuing” these unfortunate dogs.
What they’re actually doing is sentencing themselves to a lifetime of expensive and time-consuming remedial work, to try and get their foreign street-dog to fit into their comfy suburban lifestyle.
Classes closed
As if this weren’t enough, many classes have been closed for at least part of the year, though my dedicated colleagues at the APDT have done valiant work to continue, according to the ever-changing edicts. They know how important it is for new dog people to find out how their dog ticks - they don’t arrive with an owner’s manual!
Another thing we’re seeing is problems with under-socialised dogs. Because there is such a poor understanding, generally speaking, of what “puppy socialisation” entails, people have been keeping their dogs at home, also teaching them that they will never be left alone. As the restrictions begin to lift, and people return to work, they’re finding that this is not working in their favour, and their dogs are naturally upset at their sudden abandonment.
All gloom and doom? Not at all!
But we can do a lot to help these new dog-owners enjoy their charge, and ensure a happy life for both owner and pup.
As I said, quality dog trainers are working in difficult conditions to keep their classes going. And those of us who have online programs are accommodating as many as we can. Most reputable online trainers have a large person-to-person component in their training programs, so it isn’t just a case of “pack ‘em in”!
So if you took your chance and rushed out and got a dog, and you’re now finding things beginning to fall apart - make your way to one of these high-quality, qualified, force-free, trainers. It’s a minefield, trying to wade through the trainerspeak jargon that many people use (usually those you don’t want to use!) so I list some organisations below.
And right now you can enjoy our free Workshop to teach your dog to LISTEN!
Register here and you’ll be learning new ways to interact with your dog within minutes. You owe it to your dog
Recommended force-free dog training organisations
The past is ancient history
What happened yesterday is as gone as what happened a thousand years ago. Going over and over it won't change it. Today is our only reality.
There’s no “What if”s and “What did he mean by that”? There's only what happened - and that's gone now. Your perception will change as you pore over it and your version of what happened may be very different from someone else's version.
But here's the danger point.
You may ascribe all sorts of reasons and causes:
🧑🏼🦰 Did he do that because he doesn't like me?
🧑🏼🦰 Did she say that because it's true?
🧑🏼🦰 Is it because I'm no good?
🧑🏼🦰 Ugly?
🧑🏼🦰 Too young?
🧑🏼🦰 Too old?
And if it's about your dog:
🐶 Is he doing that on purpose?
🐶 Is he being stubborn?
🐶 Is he defying me?
🐶 Is he scheming against me?
🐶 Does this mean I'm a useless dog owner?
Our minds can run away with us, but it doesn't alter what happened.
We can only operate in the present moment. That's the only time we have.
Our thoughts create our feelings and it doesn't matter if those thoughts are right or wrong, as long as they help you.
Better questions lead to better answers!
So try starting with some better questions:
❓Could I have done anything differently?
❓Did my dog act this way from fear?
❓Does my dog need more help from me and how can I help him more?
Whenever we ask a negative question, we tend to get a negative answer. "Am I a useless owner?" Yes, you must be, since you ask.
So only ask questions which will bring you helpful answers! Then you can be sure your thoughts are helpful ones.
How does all this affect your relationship with your dog? Just the same as your relationship with anyone else!
If you ascribe evil motives to something your dog is doing, then you are naturally going to blame him and think that he lies there in his basket dreaming up new and terrible ways to shame you.
Of course he doesn’t! He's just a dog. He just does.
You know that really?
So don't let your mind run away helter-skelter with a lot of unhelpful nonsense.
Something happened. That's all. And it's up to us what we make of it. If we want to make it a big thing - a drama - then we're going to feel bad, upset, worried. But if we just see it as something that happened, see it as information for us, we can learn from it and move on.
So rather than “I’m a useless dog-owner with a difficult dog who doesn't like me”. how about “Oh, my dog barked at that dog. I will avoid dogs for a few days to give him a break.”
Dwelling in the past is not conducive to moving forward with fresh eyes, fresh ears and new experiences.
I'm on a mission to change the world, one dog at a time. Will your dog be one of them?
If this line of thinking chimes with you, have a look at my other blog at www.beverleycourtney.com/blog - I think it may appeal to you!
First published on positively.com and reprinted here with permission
“Could he not SEE that my dog was upset?”
“My dog was on lead and under control - it was his dog that was out of control!”
“Why, oh why, do people let their ‘friendly’ dogs invade the space of my fearful, reactive dog, and then blame me for being a useless dog-owner with a nasty dog?”
Anyone who works with Growly Dog owners - owners of shy, anxious, reactive, or aggressive, dogs - is familiar with these cries!
Yes - it’s so frustrating when you’re doing everything right for your dog: keeping him calm; keeping your distance from things he fears; keeping out of the way of other dogs, or bikes, or people … and another person lets their dog rampage up to your on-lead dog!
At first, you may not be sure whether this is an exuberant, over-friendly, approach - or something more sinister. Is this dog going to attack mine? How can I get away? Oh no!
Your heart is now racing, your dog is now lunging and barking - the whole thing is a sorry mess! And what does the other person do?
Well, usually, nothing. (They have no recall, so they’re not going to follow your plea to “Call your dog please!” and demonstrate how useless they are!)
If you’re lucky you won’t get abused or reviled. But sometimes they can’t stop themselves!
“You ought to control that dog.”
“That dog is nasty - you should muzzle him before he attacks someone.”
“My dog is friendly - it’s your dog that’s the problem.”
And so on, they go.
It’s enough to make you cry. And often that’s exactly what happens. No-one likes their dog to “show them up”, and no-one likes being sneered at, talked down to, or threatened. I absolutely sympathise if this has brought you to tears.
Is there a danger of dog owners dividing into camps of “them” and “us”?
But let’s have a look at what’s going on here.
Many people, and that includes many dog-owners, have no conception that dogs have feelings too. They seem to think that all dogs will get along with each other, and that their dog barging in to play with another dog is totally ok.
Supposing they were having a family picnic. How would they feel if some strange children landed in the middle of it, kicking over the food and drinks, and snatching the bats and balls and playing with them themselves? I don’t think they’d be best pleased, and may well express their feelings to the other children’s parents.
So why do these same people think it’s absolutely ok for their dog to rampage about and approach other dogs uninvited?
I think they simply don’t realise. But some education needs to happen. These same people whose dogs are flying about annoying others could well be pillars of society once they leave the dog park. They could be considerate, allowing diversity of thoughts and opinions, concerned to let children fit in and express themselves as they are. But sadly they don’t afford the same consideration to dogs.
I guess they think that all dogs are the same.
Or that all dogs should be the same.
They don’t understand that gentle, loving, affectionate dogs can be forced to show aggression and panic when confronted by their tearaway.
It’s up to the Growly Dog owner to do his best to protect his dog from unwelcome advances, and it’s up to the “friendly” dog owner to teach his dog some manners and restraint.
So for the Growly Dog owner
Keep your distance.
Seek out quiet places and times to walk your dog where you’re unlikely to meet other dogs.
Give your dog a break from stressful walks - only walk her when you’re confident of a calm time.
Understand that it’s not the fault of the other owner if they don’t understand what you’re going through. We often don’t understand something until we go through it ourselves. Maybe they will never understand until they get a shy, anxious, reactive dog themselves - then the light will dawn!
Be patient with them when they don’t respond to your cries of “Please put your dog on a lead, my dog is afraid!” You need all your presence of mind to help your dog.
And for the “My dog is friendly” owner
Respect the space of other dogs and their owners.
If another owner is struggling to restrain his leashed dog while your unleashed dog dances around them - please race in to collect your dog!
In fact, when you are approaching a dog on lead, put yours on lead too.
Put your phone away and focus on what your dog is doing.
Always keep your dog within a few yards of you so that you can practice your recalls.
Notice how other dogs behave, and rejoice in the individuality and diversity of our best friends.
Meanwhile, both the boisterous dog and the shy dog could do with a bit of help!